gta 6 trailer

We have seen the first GTA 6 teaser an absurd number of times, and we have given you everything we saw.

More drama than expected, the first GTA 6 trailer has arrived. Rockstar streamed the official 91-second clip approximately 15 hours ahead of schedule, following the unfortunate internet leak of the much-anticipated trailer. As a result, you may have missed a few things.

Read on for a list of 12 things you might have missed from the GTA 6 trailer premiere. We have watched and rewatched our first proper look at modern-day Vice City dozens of times already, and we have picked out the parts we think are important – either because they may point towards the game’s narrative beats or on the ground mechanics, or just because they are cool.

01. The male character is yet to be identified, but our heroine is called Lucia.

GTA 6 Trailer

This time, there are two main characters: the male character is not named yet, but he was known as Jason in earlier leaks; it seems almost certain they are a couple as there is a shot of Lucia atop a shirtless “Jason” with a voiceover claiming ‘the only way we are getting through this is sticking together,’ after which both characters say “trust.” The female protagonist, Lucia, takes center stage and has a named introduction right up front in the trailer, seemingly indicating that she has a criminal past.

02. The GTA 6 map consists of more than just Vice City. | gta 6 trailer

GTA 6 Trailer

This ninety-second trailer features a number of confirmed location names that appear via news bulletins, road signs, and more. Spoken details from earlier leaks suggested that the state where GTA 6 is set could be called Leonida. News reports about a “Leonida man” parodying the “Florida Man” meme and a social post stating that “only in Leonida is a crotch Grab an apology for bad driving” are among the confirmations that appear in the trailer. Other road signs feature Kelly County, Catalan Boulevard, the VCI airport, Vice Beaches, and more.

While the map appears to be greatly expanded over the original Vice City location, a few shots appear to show clearly updated takes on the previous 2002 visit to Vice City with what looks like Starfish Island and the original Ocean Beach area. Port VC/Keys and what appear to be city districts by the name of Stockyard and Downtown.

03. Whoa, there are a lot of different cars there.

Even in this 90-second trailer, there are a ton of vehicles to spot and steal—we always knew that anything made by Rockstar would have an extensive array of vehicles to do just that. So, take a deep breath and enjoy this list of all the vehicles we have seen so far: cargo ships, motorbikes, cruise ships, seaplanes, monster trucks, yachts, jet skis, quad bikes, biplanes, helicopters, hover boats, amphibious helicopters, and a ton of sports cars, pick-up trucks, minivans, vans, and other conventional cars.

04. There will be a tonne of activities in Vice City and elsewhere.

Fortunately, there are plenty of other things to do in this first GTA 6 trailer alone. Aside from grabbing any of the vehicles we have mentioned above (we can not wait to try riding a hover boat while avoiding the crocs), if Vice City and the surrounding area are anything like GTA 5 (which of course it is), you are going to need some other hobbies aside from being a criminal.

Of course, these are just highlights from the trailer, so it is unclear if we will be able to partake in all of these activities just yet. However, it appears that there will be car meet-ups, chances to visit strip clubs, clubs with resident DJs, pool parties, drag meets, and the Thrillbilly Mud Club (which basically looks like drinking beer and getting very dirty).

05. Will base jumping make a comeback?

Though this is just conjecture on our part, it appears as though there may be a good chance to revive base jumping, which was evidently a popular past time in GTA 5 and was first introduced in the GTA 4 DLC – The Ballad of Gay Tony. There is a massive radio tower / antenna in the background amid the sunset haze in the opening shots.

06. There is a lot of wildlife here, including alligators and dogs.

If GTA 6 is bringing all of Florida to life, then there is a chance we could be getting wildlife straight out of Red Dead Redemption 2. Dogs are confirmed by the small chihuahua running along the beach while flamingos, alligators, dolphins, and sharks all make an appearance. If the Florida Everglades also appear, as the airboat heavily implies by scattering flamingos as it tears past, then that is a huge area full of diverse habitats; real-life inhabitants include panthers, bears, deer, turtles, manatees, and more. As a result, GTA 6 could have a remarkably diverse animal population.

07. A significant portion of the game will involve social media

Technology was always going to play a bigger, more important role in Grand Theft Auto 6, and the game’s first trailer seems to confirm this. Granted that GTA 5 was released in 2013, and although its rip-offs of Facebook and Twitter, Lifeinvader and Bleeter, respectively, spoke to that particular era, the trailer alludes to what appears to be a TikTok-style video-sharing platform in GTA 6.

Viral videos play a major role in the trailer, with NPCs seemingly reacting to being filmed in scenes ranging from partygoers partying on a speeding yacht to an engineer catching a live gator from a swimming pool to an animated woman twerking on top of a moving car (complete with emojis and a celebratory It is unclear how freely we will be able to film things minute-by-minute on the streets of Vice (and beyond), but this is very clearly Vice City in the here and now.

08. Is a first-person mode available?

Body cam footage naturally looks like a first-person angle which just confuses the shot even more. GTA 5 did add a first-person mode in 2014 so who knows, this could be teasing the option maybe? A brief clip of some body cam footage looks a lot like a first-person mode, but it is not clear if it is just a news clip or a playable section. It shows the police raiding a house which seems unlikely to be either of the main characters, unless there is a big twist in their backstory.

09. Who is this Rudi?

Though the first trailer for Grand Theft Auto 6 only names one character, there is an interesting appearance in one of the social clips of a man wearing jeans, a bandana, and shades while hanging out the open drivers’ side door of a pickup, shirtless, with the caption “RIP Rudi – C U in heaven, cuz.” Who is Rudi, and is he just some guy who went too far in trying to go viral, or is he someone you might run into in Vice City?

10. Is Karens receiving some attention?

We could not get through our next Vice City adventure if Rockstar’s Grand Theft Auto 6 is not a social commentary on contemporary culture. In a social media clip from the trailer, an elderly woman wearing a dainty floral nightgown, slippers, and grandma specs is seen brandishing not one, but two hammers and exclaiming, “Well look who is back?” The social caption reads, “Neighborhood watch do not play around in Hamlet.” While none of us wants a weaponized Karen, we believe GTA 6 is headed in that direction.

11. It appears that three factions or gangs have already been verified.

The footage appears to show at least three distinct factions: the Thrillbilly Mud Club, which is a dirt truck mud racing group, and High Rollerz Lifestyle, which is a street racing group with high-end performance cars. There is also a group of people riding ATVs and bicycles that appear to be racing down a road in a pack, and a news bulletin that mentions a dirt bike gang that is “terrorizing dirt city.”

12. Is the dude with tattoos and purple hair a reference to Grand Theft Auto 6 Online?

The ability for players to customize their avatars with outrageous makeup, hairstyles, outfits, and other aesthetic tweaks to fit their mood and/or personality has come to define GTA Online (and in fact most online multiplayer games). At a little over the minute mark in the GTA 6 trailer, we see a prisoner on the news with purple hair and face and body tattoos, which could be a nod to whatever shape GTA 6 Online takes – doubly so because players start their GTA Online portfolios in the game’s current state by posing for mugshots before choosing their avatar’s appearance and get-up.

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