johnny sins lex luthor

James Gunn has addressed a number of casting rumors for Superman: Legacy, but this one regarding Lex Luthor’s casting is the most peculiar. (johnny sins lex luthor)

Many casting rumors have been sparked by James Gunn’s DCU, but this one involving adult film star Johnny Sins starring Lex Luthor, the villainous figure in Superman, is the most bizarre.

Due to his numerous roles as a doctor, police officer, firefighter, and even astronaut, Sins has become a meme in recent years. This has led to rumors that he will play Superman‘s greatest nemesis, Lex Luthor. The rumor appears to have originated from a parody account called Le Cinèphiles, where people took it seriously and had to ask Gunn if it was true. Gunn seemed to deny the rumors, saying, “Oh my God, you can not possibly believe that.”

johnny sins lex luthor

Remarkably, this is not the first time this rumor has been going around. In fact, a similar rumor about Sins playing Lex Luthor surfaced when it was announced that the character would appear in Batman v. Superman. However, that rumor was quickly shot down as a joke. This time, for some reason, the rumor has gained more traction and people are starting to believe it is true.

Gal Gadot recently stated that she would return to the role of Wonder Woman in the DCU; another report claimed that she was never promised that. Some fans have noted that Gunn has responded to this rumor swiftly and has still not responded regarding whether Gadot will return to play Wonder Woman. Gunn has yet to confirm or deny Gadot’s return.

Fans will be relieved to know that this rumor was never true in the slightest and Lex Luthor will not be played by an adult film star in Superman: Legacy. However, fans are still waiting on a response from Gunn regarding Gadot’s future in the DCU. Superman: Legacy is scheduled for release in theaters on July 11, 2025. Gunn has been criticized for many of his casting choices in the past, but this would have been the strangest by far.

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