
After she understands that Thrawn is her true destiny, Shin Hati departs from Baylan Skoll and pursues her own path in Ahsoka episode 7.


  • In Ahsoka Episode 7, Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati part ways.
  • Shin might embrace her role as a villain by stepping out of Baylan’s shadow.
  • The reason Baylan and Shin are acting the way they are is revealed by their parting ways.

Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati battled Ahsoka Tano, Sabine Wren, and Ezra Bridger in the seventh episode of Ahsoka, “Dreams and Madness,” on Peridea. Yet this time, Baylan and Shin were each engaged in battle for their own objectives. Their paths have finally diverged since they were originally met in Ahsoka’s debut episode, and Shin’s apprenticeship is now over. Although the abruptness of their split surprised them, Ahsoka Season 1 has shown that Baylan and Shin are motivated by two very distinct ends.

Shin Hati’s apprenticeship comes to an end, highlighting the contrasts that had developed between her and her master, freeing them both to pursue their own interests.

Despite the fact that Baylan’s enigmatic quest to discover a greater force on Peridea has so far guided both his and Shin’s decisions, his choice to free Shin so that she can follow her own path allows her to finally develop into a terrifying monster in her own right.

While Shin is focused on a more tangible type of power that she hopes to acquire through Grand Admiral Thrawn, Baylan is more interested in the secrets that are hidden on Peridea’s horizons.

Shin Hati and Baylan Skoll part ways

Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati continued their search for Sabine Wren and Ezra Bridger on Peridea in the penultimate episode of Ahsoka. In reality, Grand Admiral Thrawn’s real goal was to stop the Jedi from reaching his Star Destroyer before he returned to the main galaxy, even if it meant killing Baylan and Shin or leaving them trapped on Peridea.

He had given them the task of finding and killing his two old adversaries. By the beginning of Episode 7, the two lightsaber-wielding mercenaries had joined forces with several local bandits and were on the verge of overpowering their adversary when Baylan declared he would not be taking part in the conflict.

Baylan urges Shin to kill Ezra and Sabine before approaching them so that she may then claim her place in Thrawn’s new Empire. Shin is shocked that her master does not want to assist her, but Baylan explains that she is following her ambitions while he is following a different path in life.

It is consistent with what Ahsoka has already stated about these two bad guys. Although Baylan just exploited the hunt for a Thrawn as a means to an end, Shin has been solely focused on acquiring power through Thrawn.

Ahsoka’s sixth episode highlighted the distinctions between Baylan and Shin’s goals. Shin was excited by the idea that it was now the Empire and the dark side’s chance to seize control once more when Baylan expressed his fatigue with the galaxy’s never-ending cycle of devastation, which has seen the Jedi and succeeding empires rise and fall repeatedly.

But, Baylan was more focused on ending the cycle permanently. Shin’s final lesson from him was that “impatience for victory will assure defeat,” emphasizing both the danger of this viewpoint and Shin’s desire for an immediate and clear road to power.

The Evil Side is Accepted by Shin Hati

Baylan and Shin’s goals and connection to the Force have remained a mystery throughout Ahsoka. The pair immediately established their lack of Jedi status and, despite not being Sith Lords, their brutal violence seems to identify them as dark-side practitioners. Shin and Baylan have not yet chosen a particular name to describe who they are.

Though frequently used in the Star Wars’ former Legends timeline, the label “Dark Jedi” may not sit well with Baylan, who has made it obvious that he has broken with the Order of the Jedi and asserts to have taught Shin to be “something more” than a Jedi. Moreover, during their appearances on Ahsoka, the two have not alluded to the dark side or discussed the use of rage or hatred in the manner that the Sith frequently do.

Shin’s use of the Force and her motivations clearly seem to indicate her alignment with the dark side, even though the precise nature of Baylan and Shin’s link to the Force may be a mystery. Shin has been revealed to be vengeful and cruel, motivated by an apparent bloodlust and desire for power, whereas Baylan’s goals appear to be more spiritual and he has only used force when he had no other option.

This was made clear in their battles with Sabine Wren. In the fourth episode, “Fallen Jedi,” Shin boasted that Sabine possessed “no power” because she was unable to use the Force and demonstrated this by forcing Sabine to choke, a technique frequently used by Darth Vader in the Star Wars films.

Shin and Baylan ultimately split up because Shin was only concerned with ascending to a position of authority in Thrawn’s reborn Empire. Despite his lack of belief in the old Jedi Order, Baylan still demonstrates many Jedi virtues and lacks the passion and rage that motivate most dark-side practitioners.

He possesses a single-minded devotion to a particular goal, which has undoubtedly led him to adopt brutal tactics, but he normally maintains a calm, reflective demeanor and has even shown some lingering reverence for the fallen Jedi Order. Shin, on the other hand, is more than willing to annihilate any foes that stand in her way and shows no regard for a Jedi Order she has never heard about.

The Way of Shin Hati May Be Her Death

Despite the fact that Baylan Skoll seems to support Shin Hati in following her goals and pursuing her own destiny, it also appears likely that he does not think her journey will be successful. Shin lacks Baylan’s cool intelligence and has a tendency to resort quickly to violent measures. Her zeal to assert her control may very well be her downfall.

Her ambition is pushing her to look for a place in Grand Admiral Thrawn’s new Empire, as Baylan noted. To Morgan Elsbeth, Thrawn has previously acknowledged that he views Baylan and Shin as expendable. Shin might be betrayed if he follows him, and he might be destroyed.

Star Wars has previously demonstrated that the never-ending desire for power that is frequently linked with the dark side can lead to self-destruction. On Mustafar, Anakin Skywalker almost perished as a result of his turn to the dark side, and he was thereafter imprisoned in the mechanical suit of Darth Vader for all time.Grand Moff Tarkin was slain when the space station was destroyed because of his overconfidence in the Death Star’s strength.

Darth Maul has been the victim of his own fury and hatred numerous times. As a result of her own selfishness and ambition, which have made her oblivious to bigger truths, Shin may now be destined to follow this same established pattern and meet her demise.

On Disney+, fresh episodes of Ahsoka are broadcast every Tuesday.

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