smallville aquaman

From his age and profile to a failed spin-off, there are several interesting details some fans of Smallville may have missed about Aquaman. smallville aquaman

For Clark Kent and the other Justice League members as well, Smallville is a fantastic unique story. Beginning as a college swimming champion, the younger Arthur Curry (also known as Aquaman) finds himself enmeshed in a world full of superpowered villains and cunning conspirators like Lex Luthor.

Compared to Clark Kent, Arthur Curry has fewer and simpler stories because he is a supporting character who appears in less episodes of the highly regarded CW show. On the show and in other media, there is, nevertheless, a wealth of additional concealed information about the future monarch of Atlantis.

Crucial Information in His Profile: “smallville aquaman”

Upon Toyman’s hiring by Lex Luthor, he quickly obtains information pertaining to the majority of the Justice League’s potential members. According to Arthur Curry’s paperwork, he is 6’1″ with conveniently characterized turquoise blue eyes. His birthplace is identified as Mercy Reef. Sylvester’s yearbook provides more confirmation of these details.

Additionally, this Aquaman is somewhat shorter than the one that Jason Momoa currently plays, who stands at 6’3″. But as Arthur is also 6’1″ in the comics, the Smallville adaptation is more true to the source material in this aspect.

The Colors of Aquaman Match Those Of The College

It is revealed that Arthur attends the University of Miami, whose primary colors are orange and green. These are also the colors of Aquaman’s outfit in all DC-related media, not only on Smallville.

The University of Miami might have been chosen by the authors as Arthur’s school because it has colors that are similar to Aquaman’s, making it seem like a home away from Atlantis.

A Serious Risk Regarding Water

When devoid of water, this form of Aquaman is shown to be incredibly weak. He is kept out of the water by Lex Luthor for an extended period of time, and Clark’s activation of a water sprinkler on his body saves him from certain death. Because he breaths oxygen on land and water when in the ocean, the DCEU version of Aquaman functions properly in both aquatic and terrestrial environments.

It was crucial to fix this weakness for the DCEU version of the character because the majority of the action in Justice League—the film where Momoa makes her debut as Aquaman—occurs far from bodies of water. It is shown that Arthur can swim far faster than Clark, which makes him one of the show’s most talented heroes even with this flaw.

A Separate Series Nearly Happened

An extraordinarily strong rating for the first episode (“Aqua”) starring Arthur Curry led to the greenlighting of a spinoff series called Mercy Reef. Justin Hartley played the hero who loved the water in a pilot.

Unfortunately, Hartley was cast as Oliver Queen, nicknamed Green Arrow, in one of the planned TV spinoffs that fans never got to see. Fans of DC Comics are left wondering what might have happened to the show. Years would pass before another Aquaman idea received the go-ahead.

A Power Exclusive to a Series

Since Arthur Curry is just as strong as Clark, he is one of the fans’ favorite characters in Smallville. His capacity to conjure up water balls and use them to assault opponents—which has the potential to knock people unconscious—is one of his special abilities. This particular power is absent from other Aquaman iterations.

From the perspective of the show, Arthur seems to be given the ability to overcome the overmatched Clark in their initial encounter by being bestowed with the power. When they initially meet, the two aren’t getting along because Arthur is seeing Lois too. Arthur can only knock Clark unconscious by utilizing the water balls to destabilize him.

His Years old

Although Arthur’s age is never stated in the program, by Season 11, he shares Victor’s (Cyborg) and Clark’s age of 25. Writer Bryan Q. Miller of Smallville says this.

The majority of the Justice League members in comic books likewise belong to the same age range. Batman leads the group since he is consistently portrayed as the eldest and most seasoned member of the group. The fact that most superheroes were established during the Golden Age of comic books, thus their ages overlap is not a coincidence.

His Opponents

Some of Arthur Curry’s aliases are revealed when a closer examination of Sylvester Pemberton’s notebook in “Absolute Justice, Part 1” of season 9 is conducted. These include “A.C.,” “The Ocean Wizard,” “The Sea King” , “The Sea Mariner,” “Orin,” along with the “King of the Seas.”

Since his nicknames are all related to his skill at navigating water, they are all appropriate. Since the sitcom uses the abbreviation A.C. (short for Arthur Curry) frequently, fans are much more familiar with it. Even Arthur is initially unaware that his birth name is Orin. His wife Mera assists him in learning about this fact.

His cell phone number

In yet another “blink-and-you’ll-miss-it” moment on Smallville, 429-555-0169 is revealed to be Arthur Curry’s phone number. One of the best episodes of Smallville’s Season 8 (“Odyssey”) features a small detail about this: LuthorCorp uses an encoded signal from a telecommunications satellite to determine each Justice League member’s phone number in order to track them down.

Since “429” has not been assigned to any region by the North American Numbering Plan Administrator, the number is wholly fictitious. Fans would have expected Arthur Carry’s phone number to contain the area code since he is a Miami native. Still, it’s safer to assign a fictitious number to a fictional identity in order to prevent conflicts with real life.

Details Of His Costumes

In the series, Arthur’s Aquaman outfit is a little different. He occasionally sports an orange hooded top and green leggings. There are two variations of the hood: one with sleeves and the other without. Additionally, a dagger is constantly strapped to his left leg. Additionally, his top has an outline of the letter “A” sewn on it.

The character’s outfit from the DCEU is far more intricate than this one. Although young Arthur Curry seems to be dressed in typical orange and green attire, Aquaman from the DCEU got his suit from Atlan, the first Atlantean ruler. The costume is far more elegant, with gloves, scales, and gills made to order.

Part of Alan Ritchson

In Smallville, Alan Ritchson played Arthur Curry; however, he was not cast in the spinoff series that was not successful. His portrayal of Hank Hall, alias Hawk, in Titans is his only other DC job. Similar to Arthur, this character hasn’t lasted long because he left to work on the next Jack Reacher series.

Actors that appear in both Smallville and another DC series are not limited to Ritchson. In addition to playing Vandal Savage, Dean Cain also plays Jeremiah Danvers on Supergirl. In Supergirl, Teri Hatcher plays Queen Rhea, the mother of Mon-El, and she also plays Ella, the mother of Lois Lane in season 10.

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