
According to Todd Howard, the director of Starfield, Bethesda “nerfed the hell out of the game” to make it simpler for users.

Recently, Todd Howard spoke about Starfield and disclosed that Bethesda had initially intended for the planets to be more challenging for players to explore. In the end, the creators chose to “tone it down” and make the game simpler for players.

“So the way the environmental damage works in the game, on planets and on your suit, you have resistances to certain types of atmosphere effects, whether that’s radiation or thermal, etc. and that was a pretty complex system – actually, it was very difficult for players to survive on,” Howard said in an interview with The AIAS Game Maker’s Notebook Podcast.

According to Howard, Bethesda had to change Starfield so that gamers wouldn’t have to navigate the challenging system. The ailments that players could suffer from planets’ atmospheres were instead more flavor-based, he said, so “we basically nerfed the crap out of it instead of punishing people too much.” “Let’s just crank it down,” he continued, “because if we dial it way back, it becomes more of a flavor system on the screen than a gameplay system. According to Howard, the team originally intended for Starfield to call for the employment of dual spacesuits, one for cold planets and another for high-radiation planets

Todd Howard Reaffirms Formal Support for the Starfield Mod

Howard talked on the value of modding in Bethesda games and promised official mod support for Starfield. The Starfield director did not provide an exact release date but predicted it will happen in 2024. Fallout 4, which Bethesda launched in November 2015 but did not have official mod support until the following summer, is one of the titles that used the tactic.

There is a difference between the different mods players can get from other sources and the official mod support. Changes that developers and publishers could judge unfair or illegal are typically not accepted. In games with multiplayer, modders can give one person an advantage over another or modify the gameplay or screen of another player to change what they can do. With them, developers aim to strike a balance, and many see Bethesda as a key player in the official mod support market.

Starfield is currently accessible on PC, Xbox Series X/S, and both.


Why was planetary exploration designed to be challenging in Starfield?

Starfield’s director envisioned a gaming experience that authentically captured the complexities of space exploration. By making planetary exploration more challenging, the team aimed to immerse players in the vastness and intricacies of the cosmos. This approach adds depth to the gameplay, requiring strategic thinking and skillful navigation.

What challenges were initially considered for planetary exploration in Starfield?

While specific challenges are not detailed in the current information, the director’s statement hints at a deliberate effort to introduce obstacles that players must overcome during planetary exploration. These challenges could range from environmental hazards to resource management, providing a realistic and engaging experience for players.

How has the vision for planetary exploration evolved during Starfield’s development?

The director acknowledged that, as development progressed, the team carefully evaluated the balance between challenge and accessibility. While the initial intention was to present a formidable experience, adjustments were made to ensure that players of varying skill levels could enjoy the game. The evolving vision aims to strike the perfect balance between realism and playability.

What can players expect from the final version of planetary exploration in Starfield?

In the final version of Starfield, players can anticipate a captivating blend of challenge and accessibility in planetary exploration. The game is designed to offer a rich and immersive experience, allowing players to delve into the mysteries of the cosmos while maintaining a level of engagement that caters to both seasoned space explorers and newcomers alike.

When is Starfield expected to be released, and where can fans find the latest updates?
As of my last knowledge update in January 2022, the official release date for Starfield has not been disclosed. Fans eager to stay informed about the latest developments and the eventual release date should monitor official channels from the game’s developers and publishers. This includes checking official websites, social media accounts, and reputable gaming news sources for the most up-to-date information on Starfield.*

Source : You Tube

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